Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Well It All Went To Shit Pretty Quick...

After a fair share of suppressed irritations this week I finally cracked today and ended up in an irrationally foul mood over a very minor insult to my pride. I had plans of catching up on my blog today (I think I've failed the challenge) and even writing spares to put in the files for future use. What I achieved was a very impressive silent sulking session and some half arsed distraction thanks to google.
So accepting the first possible chance of escape and solitude I high tailed it home and surrounded myself with a 'Cheer The Hell Up If It Kills You' kit and thought I'd share with you the things that I assembled.
Firstly as you can see above I plonked my butt in front of my fav table ( I tend to sit on the floor as I find it more comfortable, I guess because I can pretend I'm still a kid that way) with my laptop and a glass a wine. The laptop to distract me and the wine to sedate me. I also put on A Cook On The Wild Side, one of Hugh Fernley Whittingstalls first DVDs. I find it soothing for some reason. Perhaps because it reminds me of living in England and has nice country scenes to look at. Maybe because Hugh doesn't get overly excited so there is no sudden rise in volume, no bickering, shouting or tension and he speaks mostly in a low tone. Also I enjoy the subject of food, self sufficiency and exploring which is the main topics throughout and lastly I have watched this DVD so many times that I can tune in and out at will. Basically it makes nice soothing background noise to help me relax without serious attention.
Next of course I lit the fire. Warmth is happiness and the fire also makes soothing back ground noises. The heat also makes me sleepy or at least takes away my tension, a bit like a back massage without the horrible prospect of someone touching me haha.
Food is very important, it's hard to be depressed on an empty stomach. My favourite snacks at the moment are burger rings and although I always choose savoury over sweet I like to have some chocolate around. Usually it's just to look at as one or two pieces is usually plenty for me but if I don't have any I crave it fiercely.
I've got my current colouring page on stand by for when I get bored of the technology. I started this one last night while watching Pretty Woman on TV. My red has pretty much run out now which is sad. I guess I will have to decide soon whether it's worth buying a new set of felt tips or just moving onto a new hobby. Either that or I will have to go back to the pencils. I'm a pedantic sharpener though and spend more time creating a point on the pencil than actually colouring.
Lastly, and also on stand by, is a new project. The plan is to write in all the things I want to do/see/eat while in the UK. I saw recently a chinese method for how to index a notebook which really intrigued me and this seemed like the perfect project to use it one. I will write all the things that I want to do, index at the back and then when I'm in the Uk I should (in theory) be able to easily refind my ideas when wanting to fill a day. I am also planning to leave enough space under each entry to add a date of completion and hopefully the signatures of those who completed it with me, making it into a home made souvenir/diary/autograph book.
So there you have it, my method for calming myself down. I'm feeling pretty chill now which just proves it works considering I was ready to hurt someone or something barely an hour ago. Wine and heat will do that for you haha
Do you have any unfailing ways to calm yourself when you get angry or do you ride it out? 

1 comment:

  1. Love your kit, certainly looks like you had your afternoon sorted for a good relax!
    Sadly I don't have much direction when I'm angry! I usually go around being angry at work, sit on the pc if I'm at home not doing anything (making myself angrier!) or just go to sleep to get it over with xp
