Monday 3 August 2015

Blog Challenge - My Zodiac Sign

So one of my blog prompts was to find a summary of my zodiac and say whether or not it suits my personality. I just chose this simple one from google images because some of the other summarys I found were about 3 pages long and far too detailed to comment on.
I think this is pretty accurate for me except that I don't stand my ground very often if ever. I'm definitely an over thinker and I can obsess over things very well. I'm not sure that I'm determined as such, I'm sure my family would say Stubborn is more accurate. I always say that I'm aptly named as a Jenny is a female donkey and I'm quite often a stubborn ass haha
What's your star sign and does it suit you?


  1. I often wonder if people look up their star signs and they're vague enough that people go 'that's so me!'...then I read my star predictions in the newspaper or on those weird FB things and go 'yeah, that could be me...' Aha!

  2. I'm the same XD Although usually the ones I see over here say things like 'strife with your spouse will convince you to try a new work routine' or 'the joy of your children makes you really love life this week' so mostly they have nothing to do with me haha
    I do like reading the summaries though cos even if some of it is waaay off you can always find something that relates back.
