Monday, 24 August 2015

Spring Has Sprung

 These snap dragons were at one of our clients properties who recently passed away. It seemed a shame that no one was there to enjoy them anymore so I had to take a few pics. They also happen to be one of my favourite flowers as I remember playing with them as a kid.
 Cherry tree in bloom and sunshine glinting on water, what more does a picture need.
 Here's another cliche pic that I couldn't resist. A bee on blossom. Not quite a bumble bee yet though, they still elude my lens for now.
 I was quite taken with this tree for some reason. Perhaps just because it was so large.
 This cheeky chap is an escapee from the aviary that is on the other side of the lake I reckon. He certainly seemed rather tame as he was happy to sit and watch me as I watched him.
 Daffodils! There are so many at the moment and all different sizes and colours too.
 The swans have started nesting so the ducks can't be far behind. I'm looking forward to getting some pics of fluffy ducklings.
I quite like this pic although it didn't really turn out like I hoped. The coot was moving too fast for me to get another try though.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, I love the cherry blossom in spring ;0; you're gonna be running up to a lot of flowery photos for the next couple of seasons x3
    I actually think the last picture turned out nicely :]
