Thursday, 6 August 2015

Day 8 - Make Up Your Mind Weather

Yesterday and today have been stay at home days due to the weather. I guess I shouldn't complain as it means I get a 4 day weekend. Today has been especially frustrating though as the rain is coming across in squalls. In between the squalls is beautiful sunshine which keeps tempting me away from the house just far enough to get stranded when the next deluge hits! We have managed to visit my cousin, feed the sheep and get in some firewood and that's about it. The rest of the time we have been mostly playing games on our phones.

Me and Mum are having a running competition at the moment to see which of us can advance along the levels the quickest. We are both playing Juice Jam and Sugar Smash, gem matching games where you only get a certain amount lives. We are too cheapskate to buy bonus's or lives so sometimes it can take us a few days to get a level completed but that's half the fun. When we run out of lives on one game we flick to the next and once those lives are done we go back to our life so it works out quite well.

We have both been struggling on the boss levels of Juice Jam, the Fat Cat rounds, which can sometimes seem to be ridiculously hard compared to the other levels. We are both in the level 70's in both games so I guess we are doing ok.
What games do you play on your phone? Do you have any that you reccomend?


  1. I've not heard of either of these games, though I have been playing something similar on my ds where you have to either wait for lives to build back up or buy them, called pokemon shuffle. It's really addictive x3
    I don't really play on my phone much unless I'm in a waiting room. I like dragon fly, my little pony & mahjong xp

    1. I've been playing pokemon shuffle too! I got a bit stuck though so I haven't been on it for awhile. I must get back to it. I suck at dragonfly btw haha
