Wednesday 5 August 2015

Day 7 - What a Dreamer

I'm a total dreamer, in more ways than one. I have big dreams for myself and my future, I daydream all the time and I have very vivid dreams most nights. It's actually a real struggle  for me sometimes remembering what happened in reality, what I've made up and what was a dream. Which is why I get so muddled when I talk most of the time because I can be half way through a sentence before I try to locate the memory source, it's usually safer for me not to say much!
Last night I had a very vivid dreams about a guy that I had a crush on at high school. We went dancing in this 3 storied building that had winding staircases everywhere. It was totally bizarre but most of my dreams are. I'm not sure why he even featured, I haven't thought about him for years and I don't think we even talked when I was at school except maybe the odd awkward Hello. I have been reading a rather vapid teen love story before sleeping though so perhaps that influenced me.
Quite often my dreams are sci fi influenced. One of the most vivid dreams I remember was one where I was kidnapped by some sort of alien race along with a bunch of other people and we were transported to their planet to be slave labour. We were flown over the mines where we were to be put to work on giant lizards that had no wings but swayed to stay aloft (think snakes on sand). Anyway down below us I could see the miners working at tables with small hammers but at the cliff edge of the mine there were gigantic ladybirds that were using their front antenna to move soft rubble out the way. They were basically being used as bulldozers!
 Do you have any strange dreams and do you enjoy them or would you prefer a dreamless sleep?

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