I've made a decision! Which usually means something nonsensical or expensive is about to happen. In this case it might just be both! I'm going to do a 30 day blog challenge. Well I'm going to attempt to do a 30 day blog challenge. My laptop seems to have dementia. Some days it will work quite well and other days it suddenly seems to forget how to do even the most basic of functions. I know it's going to be a bad day when I get mouse lag. Today is one of those days, not a good start.
The main reason for me doing a blog challenge is to decide the fate of my laptop. If I can get through a week at least without throwing this at a wall then I am not allowed to buy a new laptop. I'm supposed to be saving money to go to the UK so $700 or so on a new model that I may not actually need is hard to justify. After all this laptop does work, at about the same rate as a two legged draft horse but it's not actually dead. Yet.
On the other side of the argument though is that a morbidly slow laptop is pretty useless for updating while traveling (or updating at all). Think airport stopover, you find a plug and place to sit and want to email your family to let them know you are safe/well/got the flu but it takes 20 mins for your machine to start up and find the internet and by then they are calling your flight.
Of course in that instance you could argue that I could just use my phone and I would simply for the fact that I could send 3 emails before my laptop even loaded firefox but I shouldn't have to. I could travel sans laptop but I'll be away 10 months and borrowing someone elses for that long is tedious and I would still need to take a hard drive for my photos etc.
I could try and get this laptop fixed but considering the price of tech repair and the fact there are no guarantees that it'll stay fixed I think it'd be cheaper to just go straight to the new option. I have asked tech savvy friends to give it a go over and tbf it did clean up it's act for a few days but a few days isn't forever.
It rather sounds like I've already made up my mind doesn't it! What do you guys think? Should I just go for it and then save doubly hard until I leave or should I soldier on with what I'm using?
I think giving it a week sounds like a fair deal, you'll soon know if you can deal with it for long like that XD But I do know what you mean about travelling, could you perhaps get a newer one second hand?
ReplyDeleteOh, good luck with the blog challenge, I look forward it!