Saturday, 13 June 2015

What a Weird Weekend!

I'm finally back!  My comp has been away for awhile now as it's on the go slow and went away for servicing. It's better than it was but still not brilliant tbh but then I have been told "What can you expect from something you only paid $200 for over 2 years ago...' I guess tech these days doesn't last as long as I think it should. Although I think the actual problem is that I really HATE the windows 8 system on my current model so just want to upgrade at all costs to anything that doesn't run a shitty block system. Unfortunately I have been spending up large on other things lately so it will just have to be added to the wish list along with the S6 Edge that I'd like to replace my poor cracked S4 mini with!

In better news say hello to my new camera! It's still sitting on my desk though waiting for it's battery to charge. I'm dead keen to get playing with it but I guess I'll have to wait (please hurry up battery!) I actually don't have any idea how to use it and since I currently take all my photos on my phone it will be something of a learning curve! Expect some better pictures in the near future (if I can work it) although 'better' is perhaps a matter of opinion as the subjects will still be much the same.

Also on the subject of 'new' and 'tech' I have acquired two second hand phones to play with. I am hoping to teach mum how to use one for music and checking her fitbit etc. They are windows phones though so I have no idea how to use them myself yet... They have the same stupid block system as windows 8 which is the most user UNfriendly system ever invented and my patience is rather thin already. They are most likely to be returned where they came from before tomorrow as, after a quick play, I haven't worked out how to even turn them on or off which should be a 3 second discovery.. I think the new windows can make even the most tech savvy person angry to their core but maybe I'm just having a real hate on windows. I can't be the only one?
Do you have a tech wish list like me? If so let me know what you are dreaming of in the comments. 


  1. I response to your question- I am dreaming of a tablet or laptop that can take USB and sd card and like you said- doesn't run windows 8. I wanna be able to type on the move!
    I too cannot stand 8 xd I run Windows 7 atm, and I love it! It's simple, works like you expect and doesn't have that crappy 'app' system xd

    1. It sounds like we want the same thing! The prices are so scary though. I've been browsing around and can't find anything that has the things I need for less than $800! I've come up with a plan though. I'm going to save all my coins and $5 notes and see if I can afford to buy myself one for christmas XD

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