Wednesday 20 May 2015

When One Adventure Ends, Another Begins

After two months together I am at a bit of loss now that Dad has returned home to England. Isn't it funny how quickly a big change can become normal in our lives. After all, his arrival was quite an upheaval in the normality of routine here. Work was shuffled, our diet changed, our pets got extra attention and of course me and Dad travelled about 6,000kms in my poor beat up old car! I'm sure that soon enough the big change of him leaving will become normal too and my routine will drop back into place but for now it's all a bit odd.
We dropped him off at the airport super early on Friday morning and, as ever, when presented with an emotionally charged scenario I kinda wandered off into my brain to distract myself. For example check out the control tower. It's a face right? That's not just me trying really hard to find something else to think about is it? Well maybe...

Once we got home I kinda threw myself into doing stuff to keep busy. I sorted out Dads room, got the washing on and then started loading books onto the shelves that Dad had built for us. I'm hoping to have these full pretty soon along with the rest of my shelves. These bad boys are the start of my home library and will soon have the company of a few more shelves hopefully.

Rush is going to miss Dad too because everytime he showed up it meant that it was walking time! Over the next few entries I'll tell you some of the tales of the things we got up while Dad was here as well as writing about what I'm getting up to in my day to day life now that things are going back to 'normal'

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