Saturday, 21 March 2015

Book Haul!

So I may have to admit to having a bit of a fetish when it comes to books. I like to read them of course but also I just like the feel of them, the smell, they way they look, the sound of turning pages... I've got it pretty bad.
As much as I love reading books I think I actually like to shop for and collect them more. I'm quite happy to let books sit on my shelves unread for months while I go out into the world and explore because I know that they are mine and they will be waiting for me when I do decide to spend time indoors.  I suppose I am a book collector first and a reader second. Saying that though, there are days, especially in winter, where I can read solidly for 10 hours only stopping for toilet breaks or food and even then the book usually accompanies me on my forays!
For a long time now I've had the dream of turning one of the rooms in the house into a library but since it isn't my house I haven't really pushed the issue. It's been difficult though as there are just the two of us living in a house that has four bedrooms and even an office area off the lounge. For some reason Mum has insisted on having the two spare rooms set up as guest rooms even though, I swear to whatever deity exists, we have someone stay maybe once every 5 years. And even then it's usually a singular person, not plural...
I may have managed to convince her otherwise though since almost all available space in my room has a bookshelf crammed with books. If she won't let me go ahead with the idea of giving my books a room to themselves then I may just have to look into getting floor to ceiling bookshelves installed in my room, which is a 10 foot span. Mwahaha
So onto my haul! I've got a real solid love of Tolkien and being an op shop scrounger I come across his books fairly regularly so I have decided to try and collect as many different editions of Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit as I can. On this trip alone I found four that I didn't have! Two of them are only part 1 or 2 of the collection they were released as but that's ok. It will be a challenge for another day to find the rest.

As you may be able to see in the top pic I also managed to find a few books belonging to series that I need for my set. Some sets I think will take me years to complete just because they are so large or because they are so popular. Terry Pratchett for example is one my favourite authors hands down but he is loved by so many other readers that his books rarely make it into charity stores and even less so in an obscure town and the bottom of the world! I do occasionally see one or two but invariably I already own it or they have marked them at such ridiculously high prices that I leave them where they are.
That's the one big condition of my collection, no book should cost me more than $10 and preferably not more than $3. I get almost all of my books for just $1 which makes haul shopping extra fun because you feel like you can treat yourself to an absolute mountain of books knowing the cashier won't be asking you to empty your bank account. If you follow me on Instagram you will have seen that I bought four books recently that at full price would have cost me nearly $100 but because they came from the bargain bin I only parted with $8 at the till. That's $92 that I can spend on other books, hopefully 92 more!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, good luck with your collection! Finding them sparingly makes for all the more fun!
